Mar 20, 2024
Today we're going to talk about the LEED professional credential exams. In particular, I'm going to give you some tips on how to pass these 100 question multiple choice exams.
Get those letters after your name. Understand what's the latest with this green building movement. Understand how to work on LEED projects of all sorts, whether it's new construction, whether it's interiors, etc.. Maybe you want to green up existing buildings or work on entire neighborhoods. Or maybe you also work on homes and residential. There are LEED professional credentials for each.
I've been training professionals on how to pass the LEED exams for a long time, actually 15 years here in the LEED movement. Very proud of that fact.
I have passed all of the LEED exams over the years and I'm very fortunate to have been named as a LEED Fellow just three and a half years ago.
Today, I'm going to provide tips about the LEED Green Associate (GA) exam because that's where you need to start. So if you're listening to this, share this with colleagues. I'm going to really give you some of the “secret tips” on how to study and pass. What do you really need to know to pass this 100 question multiple-choice exam? I'll talk a little bit about the other LEED exams. Some of you listening may have already passed a LEED exam. Some of you might have passed the test before 2009, before the exams changed. Let's go over a little bit of that history, also. Enjoy!
Show Highlights
Valuable insights for professionals interested in obtaining LEED credentials, providing tips for preparing and passing the exams on your first try.
LEED credentials and how to focus on passing LEED professional credential exams, especially the LEED Green Associate test.
Understanding the importance of the LEED scorecards for your studies versus on a real project scenario.
Tips for Success, study techniques, study guides, significant changes over time, and practice tests from's experience, resources, and 95% pass rate.
Continuing Education every two years.
Global Map of LEED Professionals.
Volunteering and involvement in trade organizations are valuable experiences.
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